IPRS Integration Manual
1. IPRS-IDP Integration
To integrate IPRS with the Isha delivery platform, follow these steps:
- On the IPRS Odoo platform go to “Events” module.
- In the events module, click and open the program for which you want to configure PDP settings.
- Open the "Event Config" tab and scroll down the page to the “Other Details
Config” and fill in the details below.
- Here, you can get the Program Delivery Code, Batch program delivery code, and Program delivery login URL from the PDP team.
- This completes your integration.
2. IPRS-IEO Integration
To integrate the IPRS with IEO, follow these steps:
- On the IPRS Odoo platform go to “Events” module.
- In the events module, go to “Configurations >> Event template”.
- From the event template list, select and open the event template for which you want to configure IEO.
- Scroll down to the integrations section in the event template and toggle on the
“Push to IOE” radio button.
- This completes your integration.
3. IPRS-VMS Integration
To integrate the Visitor Management System with the IPRS, follow these steps:
- First, in the Odoo platform, go to the “Visitor Management System” module.
- Click “Masters >> VMS Masters” and then click “Create” to create a new master for a new program.
- Fill in all the required details in the master and click “Save”. Here, the details in the master are as follows:
- This creates a master in VMS for your program and generates a "VMS Master"
- Now, in the Odoo platform, go to the “Events” module and open the event that you want to configure the VMS for.
- Scroll down the page to open the “Attendance Config” tab.
- Under “VMS” enable the “Push to VMS 2” radio button.
- Also fill in the “VMS Master ID” that you generated in the VMS backend and also if there is any, set the filter for “VMS Push Domain”.
- Click “Save”. This completes your VMS integration with the IPRS.
Field |
Description |
VMS master ID |
This is a unique number assigned to each master that needs to be put in the event to sync the event with the VMS master. The ID gets generated after you save the master details |
Source |
This is from where the event registration is done. Like:: IPRS, Cottages, HYS |
Purpose |
Name and purpose of the event |
Category |
Category of checking in people. Like: Sevadhar, participants, volunteer |
Check-in center |
Place from where the people will check-in |
Active? |
Toggle on the radio button if the program check-in is active, else keep it off. |
Portal Configs |
Users |
Team members who are going to use the VMS to check in the people. |
VMS Dashboard Link |
Link to VMS portal from where you can check in the people |
Quick scan portal link |
Quick scan portal link using which you can quickly check in the people. |
Check-in Config |
Enable the required tabs that needs to be verified while checking in the people |
Access pass configs |
Configure this to create an access pass for the people. |
Block Checkin Config |
Set this config if you want to restrict the check-in for anyone who does not meet the verification criterias for check-in |
Portal Filter criteria |
Source-VMS transactions sync config |
Configure this to specify mandatory fields the source should send while pushing the transactions to VMS. |
Tracked mails config |
4. IPRS-Global API Calls Integration
To configure the Global API calls in the IPRS, follow these steps:
- On the IPRS Odoo platform go to “Events Page”.
- On the events page, go to “Configurations >> Event template”.
- From the event template list, select and open the event template for which you want to configure Global API calls.
- Under ‘Event Config” section, enable below mentioned checks to configure the
global API calls.
- This completes your Global API calls integration.
5. IPRS-Ishangam Integration
To configure the Ishangam in the IPRS, follow these steps:
- On the IPRS Odoo platform go to “Events Page”.
- On the events page, go to “Configurations >> Event template”.
- From the event template list, select and open the event template for which you want to configure Ishangam.
- Under “integrations” section, enable the “Sync to Ishangam” tab.
- This completes your Ishangam integration in IPRS
6. IPRS-Isha Life Integration
To configure the Isha Life products in the IPRS, follow these steps:
- On the IPRS Odoo platform go to “Events Page”.
- On the events page, go to “Configurations >> Event template”.
- From the event template list, select and open the event template for which you want to configure the Isha life products.
- Scroll down the page to open the “Products” tab.
- Configure the below mentioned field for the products and click “Save”.
- Next, from the “Events” page, open the particular event for which you want to configure a product.
- Configure the below mentioned field for the products and click “Save”.
- This completes your IPRS-Isha Life integration.
Note: The "Tickets" must be configured before the "Product" configuration in the event.
7. IPRS-ISO Joomla Integration
Using Joomla, you can integrate ISO with IPRS to launch your programs on site. To integrate ISO and IPRS, follow these steps:
- On the IPRS Odoo platform go to “Events Page”.
- On the events page, click and open the program for which you want to configure ISO.
- Go to the “Event config” tab of the selected event and click the “Edit” button to make the event editable and scroll to the bottom of the page to the ISO-Joomla config section.
- Toggle on the “Push to ISO_Joomla” radio button.
- From the dropdown menu select the appropriate program for “ISO_Joomla category”.
- In the “Map Link”, provide the google map link for the venue where the program is going to be conducted.
- In the “ISO-Joomla Config JSON”, provide the JSON such as below. You can modify the parameters as per your need.
- Click “Save”. This completes the integration.
Here is the sample Config JSON:
"is_residential_program": 0,
"is_online": 0,
"is_sadhguru": 0,
"is_featured": 0,
"gender": ["M", "F", "O"],
"languages": ["en"],
"iso_center": "Available values are IYC,III,SSB,IYCDEL,IYCLA. Pass null if not applicable",
"landing_page_url": null,
"iso_program_description": "This is a string, pass null if not applicable",
"prerequisites": "This is a string, pass null if not applicable",
"guidelines": "This is a string, pass null if not applicable",